Ageing Workforce

As Aotearoa New Zealand's workforce undergoes a significant demographic shift, with thousands of individuals retiring weekly, our industries are grappling with the multifaceted challenges posed by an ageing workforce.

In particular, the ports and extractives sectors face a unique set of hurdles due to their physically demanding roles. But the issues that come from an ageing workforce are felt across the MEL sectors. Research has shown that employment in physical jobs, or jobs with difficult working conditions, is a major cause of labour market exit for older workers. Transitioning experienced workers into less physically demanding positions is imperative to retain their invaluable expertise within the sector.

As the workforce ages and experienced workers retire, there is also a risk of significant knowledge and experience gaps within the sector. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach encompassing training, mentorship, and the effective integration of advancing technologies.

Across the industries we represent, the common pain points relating to the ageing workforce include:

  1. Physical Demands: all of the industries we represent face challenges with their ageing workforce and physically demanding roles. Transition support is crucial to retain experienced workers in less physically demanding positions, ensuring their continued contribution to the industry.
  2. Knowledge Transition: There's a need to appropriately remunerate and transition senior workers into leadership and training roles to pass on their knowledge and experience. As the workforce ages and experienced workers retire, there is a risk of significant knowledge and experience gaps within the sector.
  3. Recruitment Difficulty: Recruiting younger talent to replace retiring workers can be challenging, especially if there is a lack of awareness about the opportunities available within the sector.
  4. Training and Mentorship Needs: Older workers may require training and support to adapt to new technologies and processes.
  5. Technological Advancements: Rapidly evolving technologies in the sector often outpace training efforts, leading to gaps in skills and knowledge needed to support their adoption effectively.

What are the actions Hanga-Aro-Rau is taking?

Progressing Primary Research: By conducting primary research to understand the needs and challenges of older workers in various sectors we are developing clear industry and workforce succession plans, ensuring older workers can meaningfully participate in the workforce.

Support for Senior Workers: Developing train-the-trainer programs specifically designed for senior workers which empower senior workers to take on roles as on-the-job trainers or assessors, thereby utilising their experience to train the next generation and fill critical sector roles.

Transition Success Stories: Sharing stories of senior workers who have successfully transitioned to new roles within businesses across the sector, highlights the potential for effective knowledge transfer and skill retention, encouraging businesses to support the transition of older workers and recognize their value.

Developing Learning Solutions: Scoping and exploring learning solutions for older and experienced workers, with a particular focus on the Pacific workforce, provides tailored learning opportunities that cater to the unique needs of this cohort, enhancing their skills and employability. We acknowledge the ageing Pacific workforce by valuing their experience and knowledge in industry through our support in Priority Goal 4 of  Lumana’i o Tangata Moana action plan.

Decreasing Knowledge Pool: Addressing the challenge posed by the retirement of experienced staff, which diminishes the knowledge and experience available to new staff by implementing strategies to retain and transfer knowledge from senior to junior employees, ensuring continuity and maintaining high skill levels within the workforce.

We want to hear from you

These Workforce Development Plans are our functions in action and remain agile to changing Industry and VET sector needs. We encourage and seek continual feedback, so if you would like to contact our team, please email