

Explore Engineering Qualification Pathways document today and take the first step towards realising your potential.

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Who's this plan for?
Mechanical Engineering (including Maintenance and Diagnostics; Metal Casting; Tool Making; CNC Machining; General Machining; Robotics (Welding and manufacturing)
Dairy Process Engineering
Light and Heavy Fabrication
Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Fire Protection (Active and Passive)
Engineering Design and Consulting services

The engineering sector employs 73,490 in 2023, with a highly diverse workforce. Forecasts show, however, that the sector will need to fill over 23,600 job openings over the next 5 years to 2029, an average of 4,700 per year, to meet the industries need to grow and ensure continued productivity (Infometrics 2024). Our industries face global talent competition, particularly in areas of technical skill.


What matters to industry matters to us

Hanga-Aro-Rau engages with the sector through our Our Industry Stakeholder Group - Hanga Aro Rau and our National Industry Advisory Group (NIAG) composed of industry leaders from around the country. This is supported by regular site visits and engagements with sector associations, business owners and key stakeholders annually. We have heard what issues the engineering sector is facing specifically and below have outlined our planned actions to address each priority. 

Strong Workforce Pipeline

In addition to the Cross-Sector Action Plan which identifies the common pain points and actions identified across the nine sectors, there are a number of significant challenges to attracting and retaining talent in the engineering, these include:

  1. Confusing Pathways: Learners often face confusion due to the multitude of available pathways leading to similar roles within the Engineering sector. 
  2. Perception of trade vs. university qualifications: Many potential Engineering professionals are deterred from entering the trades due to the perceived lack of equivalency between trade qualifications and university qualifications. 
  3. Need for better links to education initiatives: Better links need to be provided between NCEA Level 1-3 courses and school-based programmes such as Youth Guarantee, Gateway, and Trades Academie

What action is Hanga-Aro-Rau taking?

In addition to the actions outlined in our Cross-Sector Action Plan, specific actions aligned with the engineering sector to support a strong workforce pipeline are;

Engaging with schools and businesses: Hanga-Aro-Rau's Vocational Pathways team is exploring new initiatives to support employer connections with schools. By creating stronger links between educational institutions and industry stakeholders, we aim to provide students with a clearer understanding of the pathways available within the engineering sector and facilitate smoother transitions from education to employment. See the Cross-Sector Action Plan for further detail.

Qualifications and Recognition Challenges

In addition to the Cross Sector Action Plan which identifies the common pain points and actions identified across the nine sectors, there are a number of significant challenges to qualifications and recognition in the engineering sector, these include:

  1. Lack of Leadership Training: Currently, there is a gap in training specifically tailored for leadership in engineering. Employers recognise the need to develop leadership and management capabilities within their workforce but lack qualifications or structured training programmes to support this.  
  1. Skills Gaps among School Leavers and Apprentices: School leavers and new apprentices often enter the engineering sector with a lack of foundational knowledge, requiring employers to teach them basic skills.  
  1. Insufficient Industry Involvement in Training Development: There is a need for greater industry involvement in programme development and ongoing moderation across the engineering sector. The current disconnect between industry and vocational education results in a lack of alignment between course material and industry needs.  
  1. Theoretical Emphasis with Limited Practical Training: Existing learning models within the engineering sector often prioritise theoretical knowledge over practical, hands-on training.  
  1. Need for Better Links to Education Initiatives: Better links need to be provided between NCEA Level 1-3 courses and school-based programmes such as Youth Guarantee, Gateway, and Trades Academies.  

What action is Hanga-Aro-Rau taking?

In addition to the actions outlined in our Cross-Sector Action Plan, specific actions aligned with the engineering sector to support a strong qualification and recognition challenges are:

Development of Engineering-Focused Management Qualifications: Discussions are underway between Hanga-Aro-Rau, Muka Tangata and Ringa Hora WDCs to develop more engineering-focused management qualifications based on business management in engineering. This initiative aims to provide professionals in the engineering sector with the necessary leadership and management skills to effectively lead teams and drive organisational success.

Supporting the development of trade essentials qualification: Hanga-Aro-Rau has supported the development of the Trade Essentials qualification, which is currently being finalised with NZQA. This qualification focuses on fundamental skills necessary for professionals entering the engineering sector and can be delivered on a regional basis. It is targeted at underrepresented groups such as women, Māori, and Pacific professionals, aiming to increase diversity and inclusivity within the industry.

Proposal for super operator pathway: Hanga-Aro-Rau has proposed the development of a Super Operator Pathway for individuals transitioning into the engineering sector from manufacturing-based roles. This pathway would recognise and leverage the skills and experience of individuals from related industries, facilitating their entry into engineering roles.

Qualification Reviews: Hanga-Aro-Rau is undertaking a number of qualification reviews for the engineering sector. You can find more information around these and how to get involved here. And follow these links to find out more about interim rulings, or quals reviews coming up from Hanga-Aro-Rau.

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Size of the sector

GDP: In 2023, the Engineering sector contributed $8.4 billion to the national GDP, which is 2.2% of the total economy.
No. of businesses: (2023) 18,120, eng design and consulting 72%, maint eng 17%, HVAC and refrig 7%, fire protection 4%.
Māori-owned businesses: (2020) The sector had 821, or 7% (in 1/3 where ownership data was available).

Employment and people

Employment: Forecast to reach nearly 85,000 in 2029, 11,000 more than in 2023. This 15% growth is higher than 9% for the total economy over 5 years.
Number of Māori employed
Ethnicity breakdown of sector.
Age breakdown: 15 to 24-year-olds dropped from 11% (2015) to 9% (2020). 25-34 yrs grew from 24%-26%, 55+ grew from 20% (2015) to 21% (2020).
Gender split: The workforce remains predominantly male with 30% female in 2020 up from 29% in 2015.

Trends and Forecasts

New entrants: From 12,200 to 15,000 between 2015 and 2021. Most from other industries, showing opportunity for attraction.
Retention of new entrants: The proportion of each age group of 2015’s new entrants who remained after 5 years.
Overall Retention: Of the 2015 workforce, 36% remained in the industry after 5 years and 27% were in the same job after 5 years.
Forecast: 23,600 openings over the next 5 years (average 4700 p/a) 38% due to growth and 62% due to workers leaving/retiring

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Explore Engineering Qualification Pathways document today and take the first step towards realising your potential.

Detailed pathways for Engineering

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We want to hear from you

These Workforce Development Plans are our functions in action and remain agile to changing Industry and VET sector needs. We encourage and seek continual feedback, so if you would like to contact our team, please email