Strong Workforce Pipeline

In an era of intense global competition, especially in technical domains, our industries must adapt. To stay ahead, we're committed to fostering a strong workforce pipeline. This entails more than just addressing immediate needs—it's about creating sustainable different solutions to chronic skills and labour shortages.

Forecasts show, the manufacturing, engineering and logistics (MEL) sectors will need to fill over 157,000 jobs over the next 5 years to 2029, an average of 31,500 per year, to meet the industry's need to grow and ensure continued productivity (Infometrics 2024)

In an era of intense global competition, especially in technical domains, our industries must adapt. To stay ahead, we're committed to fostering a robust workforce pipeline. This entails more than just addressing immediate needs—it's about creating sustainable solutions to chronic skills and labour shortages. From tapping into previously underserved groups to forging clear career pathways, we're shaping an inclusive and thriving industry landscape.

Across the industries we represent, the common pain points relating to workforce pipelines include:

  1. Limited Exposure: School leavers and the people that influence them (career advisors, parents etc.) have limited opportunities to gain exposure to the manufacturing, engineering, and logistics industries and its diverse career prospects, affecting their interest in pursuing careers in the sector.
  1. Career Changers: A significant portion of new entrants to manufacturing are career changers coming from other industries, highlighting the importance of improving attractiveness beyond just school leavers.
  1. Support for Māori Workforce: Forecasts show an increase in our Māori population with an estimated 50,000 Māori entering the workforce over the next 5 years. Industry is grappling to embed Te Tiriti o Waitangi and wants to embrace Te Reo Māori, which will be needed to better support the growing Māori workforces and address labour shortages.  
  1. Support for Pacific Workforce: Industry faces challenges in attracting, retaining, and advancing Pacific workers, a rapidly growing demographic in the MEL workforce. There is a strong willingness to understand and integrate Pacific values and perspectives to better support Pacific employees.
  1. Attraction and Retention of the Expanding Future Workforce: To address the labour shortages faced by our sector, employers must look beyond the traditional employment pools. Employers want to know how to engage, attract, and retain a more diverse workforce, which includes Māori, Pacific, Women, and Disabled Peoples.
  1. Literacy and Numeracy Barriers: Potential literacy and numeracy barriers hinder individuals' ability to receive future training and advancement opportunities.

What are the actions Hanga-Aro-Rau is taking?

Connecting Industry to Clear Education Pathways: By supporting the development and communication of clear and effective education pathways tailored to the industries we serve, we're empowering individuals to navigate their career journeys with confidence. Through comprehensive qualification pathway documentation, we're ensuring that Industry, Employers and careers seekers have the guidance they need to pursue rewarding careers in MEL sectors. Check out each sector plan to download the learning pathway information for more.

Strengthening School Connections: We're supporting better connections between secondary schools across New Zealand, and industry, government, and career development organisations. Through these partnerships, we're strengthening awareness and engagement, empowering students to explore diverse career pathways in MEL sectors. We will continue to support delivery of the Inspiring Futures program in partnership with TEC. And support regional initiatives that pathway current students and school leavers into opportunities that illuminate the diverse pathways available, inspiring the next generation of talent. We are also developing Good Practice Guides for employers to support successful connections with schools.

Showcasing Workforce Diversity: Through the creation of case studies and profiles featuring Māori and Pacific, Female, Gender Diverse and Disabled business owners, employees, and learners within the MEL sectors, we're spotlighting their journeys and varied career trajectories. These narratives provide invaluable insights into the breadth of opportunities within our industries, fostering inclusivity and representation.

Providing Industry Support: We're constructing an online hub of information and resources to bolster industry efforts in Māori and Pacific recruitment, retention, progression, and representation in higher-paid roles. By equipping employers with the tools and guidance needed to support Māori and Pacific talent, we're fostering an environment where everyone can thrive. Check out our Whanake Māori Tīma and Pacific Workforce Development team pages for more detail on the mahi we are doing in these areas.

Empowering Disabled Individuals: Our forthcoming Disability Research Project Report, informed by extensive engagement and research, will identify barriers and opportunities to enhance support for disabled individuals in training and employment. Once launched we will begin scoping a Disability Action Plan for Industry to own. Through the publication of tools, support, and guidance, we're championing inclusivity and accessibility within the workforce.

Amplifying Māori and Pacific Initiatives: Through strategic collaboration with iwi/hapu, Māori and Pacific industry leaders, and government agencies, we're amplifying awareness of key initiatives aimed at supporting Māori and Pacific individuals into training, employment, and career progression. By fostering partnerships and connections, we're advancing the goal of increased Māori and Pacific representation in higher-skilled, higher-paid roles.

Empowering Pacific Communities: We're identifying workforce gaps and leveraging opportunities to enhance access for Pacific Peoples within MEL sectors. Through strengthened engagement and Lumana’i o Tangata Moana, Hanga-Aro-Rau Pacific Peoples Workforce Development Action Plan, we're working to ensure equitable outcomes within the vocational education system, empowering Pacific learners and workers to thrive.

Supporting Women in Trades: Our Trade Careers online toolkit and education series serves as a dynamic resource hub, fostering collaboration between education providers, employers, and Hanga-Aro-Rau to support women in MEL sectors. By expanding initiatives and scope, we're reducing barriers and increasing the representation of women in traditionally male-dominated fields.

We want to hear from you

These Workforce Development Plans are our functions in action and remain agile to changing Industry and VET sector needs. We encourage and seek continual feedback, so if you would like to contact our team, please email